Dolls Gallery of Sizuka Kadokura
You'll remember that you or your son was a "Little Handsome Boy"

Bisquedoll Gallery

Porcelain Dolls designed & made by Sizuka Kadokura
Japanese version
                                                 since 2 / 5 / 97
With the proliferation of rubber and celluloid after the Industrial Revolution, 
the 'Bisque'doll, a creation of 19th century artisans,disappeared. In a period  
long since gone famous masters hand made each Bisque (white porcelain fired      
twice) doll and today the scarcity and mystery surrounding these antique dolls  
is made much of by many people.                                                 
Sizuka Kadokura is working to create these dolls in the traditional way and has 
spread the word of this formerly lost art for many years. Through her efforts   
she has captured the charm of the original Bisque doll creations. These are     
not replicas or copies but faithfully reproduced creations that possess the     
novel and colourful sense of the originals.                                     
The individual charm that Sizuka's creations possess have the power to make the 
  onlooker stop in their tracks.                                                            
The gallery is anticiparting the day that guests can take these creations up in  
 their arms just as they once did.                                                   


Message from Sizuka
Last year, an unexpected number of people visited the Internet Homepage and
 it was a good year because we received many peoples' ideas and suggestions. 
  I am very sorry that I was unable to renew the Homepage due to the fact that 
    I was busy as well as a beginner and thus unaccustumed to using the Internet.  
    In the Homepage I was able to find El Patio Kurashiki (Kurashiki Okayama Ken)
which held the successful exhibition of "Little Handsome Boy 3" and also
    Gallery Mai (Mr.Mouri's residence, Houfu Yamaguchi Ken) "Little Handsome Boy 4".  
  A very sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the exhibition a success    
     and presently we are looking towards the successful presentation of the 
         "Little Handsome Boy 5" exhibition at th annex at the Shibuya art house.                              
                                                                      Sizuka Kadokura    

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Dolls of Sizuka Kadokura

  Please send me your comments about my dolls !

                                                       Please look my home page by : Netscape

Visitors since
17 Jan. 97